Environmental Stewardship

Clean Water, Clean Air is our motto for 2022-2024

Clean water

In 2017, TAP adopted Whites Creek, the longest creek in Davidson County, TN.

Several times a year, TAP cleans the water. On land and water, typically TAP begins at Hartman Park.

Whites Creek clean-up by kayak
Debris from Whites Creek
Tires from Whites Creek
Whites Creek clean-up by kayak
Debris from Whites Creek
Tires from Whites Creek
Whites Creek clean-up by kayak
Debris from Whites Creek
Tires from Whites Creek

In 2019, TAP partnered with EarthEcho International to monitor the quality of Whites Creek’s water. TAP has an EarthEcho Ambassador each year who gathers the information from testing twice a year and submits it to the EarthEcho website. 

EarthEcho Ambassador
Water testing