Program Components:
Aquatics - education - community servicE
wilderness survival - travel
Drowning is the 3rd leading cause of death among African American youth, ages 12-24; therefore, all TAP youth are taught to swim. Through the TAP scuba diving certification program youth receive an extensive 4 month training
course, as opposed to the adult based scuba diving courses that last a week or less.
The Tennessee Aquatic Project and Development Group, Inc. understands how providing highly
engaging STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning opportunities for
youth can increase their future options and success in the science, technology, engineering, and
math fields.
In order for TAP youth to qualify for participation in aquatic and travel opportunities they must
perform annually a minimum of 20 hours of community service. Through community service youth learn the value of giving back which instills in them the true meaning of community
All TAP youth must participate in Wilderness Survival Training. In this uncertain world it is
important to provide youth with the skills necessary to survive in the event of a disaster and to
be in position to assist others.
Since TAP was established in 1995 youth have been given opportunities to travel. Travel allows
the participants to experience new places and expand their horizons beyond the communities in
which they live.